Our Story

Our Story reflects our aspiration to one day join the ranks of the top 10 drone companies in India, symbolizing our commitment to innovation and growth in the industry.

Our Story reflects our aspiration to one day join the ranks of the top 10 drone companies in India, symbolizing our commitment to innovation and growth in the industry. Kickstarted in 2015, Indrones is a leading innovator and service provider in the Indian drone sector. We are known for our expertise in high-resolution data solutions powered by high-quality sensors on drones which further finds applications across industries. Our advanced technological applications find usage in precision agriculture, high-resolution maps generated from aerial surveys and mapping, and 3D construction and landscape modelling for infrastructure planning. As a pioneer for drone technologies in the Indian subcontinent, we are credited with one of the highest numbers of successful drone flights and entrusted with reliable and affordable drone solutions for eminent enterprises.

Fun Fact

Much before Indrones took off as an incorporated firm, our founding team had demonstrated a stellar performance at SAE Aero Design Competition at Dallas, Forth Worth, United States in 2013. Two years later, the team's firm belief in building for India in the up and coming technologies with the global exposure in hand, led to the official flight for all the dreams incubated under the roof of Indrones.

Our Vision

At Indrones, we like to consider drones as an advanced tool whose potential increases multifold with powerful sensors and cameras to enable incredible insights into physical domains. We are committed to empower India Inc. with the revolutionary drone technology with a hands-on easy to use approach without taking away the affordability, reliability and safety of the solutions. Our vision since inception remains to be a high-resolution data solutions firm helping different enterprises to take more informed decisions at cost-effective terms!

Our Leadership Team

Our exceptional leadership team, comprised of industry visionaries and seasoned professionals, provides invaluable guidance as we navigate our path towards achieving the status of one of the leading drone companies in India.

Pravin Prajapati

Founder and CEO

Ravi Singh

Co-founder & CTO

Harshad Bhanushali

Co-founder & COO

Apurva Joshi

Co-founder & VP, R&D

Ankit Agrawal

VP, Growth

Our Investors


ISO Certified


At Indrones Solutions, we’re committed to delivering the highest quality in every aspect of our business. That’s why we’re proud to be ISO 9001:2015 certified. This globally recognized standard ensures that our Quality Management System (QMS) is robust, customer-focused, and built on a solid foundation of continuous improvement and innovation.

We are building for the Indian skies that know no bounds.
Want to take a shot to build for the future?
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